【同义词辨析】 2019-08-15 增大increase-multiply

increase: used intransitively implies progressive growth in size, amount, or intensity: his waistline ~d with age; used transitively it may imply simple not necessarily progressive addition: ~d her land holdings.   progressive有2个意思, 1、进步先进革新的in favour of new ideas, modern methods and change,如progressive schools先进(或革新)的学校,如the Republicans were deeply split between progressives and conservatives共和党的革新派和保守派之间存在严重分裂,反义词是retrogressive倒退退化的; 2、逐步的逐渐的稳步的happening or developing steadily and gradually,如a progressive reduction in the size of the workforce劳力数量的逐步减少,如a progressive muscular disease逐渐严重的肌肉病症,如progressive loss of memory记忆力逐渐丧失。语法上progressive表示进行的,如present progressive tense现在进行时)

enlarge: implies an expanding or extending that makes something greater in size or capacity: ~d the restaurant to its present capacity.   延长extend指一维长度,扩展expand指二维面积或三维体积

augment: implies an addition in size, extent, number, or intensity to what is ALREADY well grown or well developed: an inheritance that only ~ed his fortune.   增强现实Augmented Reality简称 AR,是一种实时地计算摄影机影像的位置及角度并加上相应图像的技术,目标是在屏幕上让虚拟世界和现实世界进行互动,对本已丰富的现实世界进行"增强",所以用了这个词

multiply: implies increase in number by natural generation, by splitting, or by indefinite repetition of a process: with each tampering the problem ~ied.   tamper干预;篡改=to interfere with, to change with no right to do so, 如to tamper with evidence篡改证据

increase增大: 作不及物动词时表示逐步增加增大尺寸数量强度等,作及物动词时仅表示增长增加未必逐步增加,enlarge增大: 表示扩展延长尺寸容量等,augment进一步增大: 指本已充分增长发展,multiply倍增、乘法: 通过自然繁殖分裂重复使数量变多

记忆方法: 1)首字母IEAM想成E AIM把E想成词根Ex向外,目标向外<==增大

         2)增大的意思是使变得更大更多mean to make or become greater or more numerous.